If you are interested in becoming a commercial roofer, you may be wondering whether you’ll need to complete an internship or take classes, or if you can simply work for a company and learn as you go. Becoming a commercial roofer may involve several of these steps, with a few important things that will help to ensure your success.
If you have roofing experience but would like to advance your career by becoming a commercial roofer, you may wish to investigate an apprenticeship program, where you will work directly with a successful commercial roofer to learn the different aspects of the trade. For example, you’ll want to learn the ins and outs of roofing construction, how to choose the proper roofing materials, material quality management, roofing diagnostics, and how to enhance your roofing installation skills.
While you may not always need to complete a specific certification course, finishing an apprenticeship with a well-respected commercial roofer may help you move up in the ranks to a supervisory position, and you may be able to help your employer expand their business to new locations. Most apprenticeship programs require completion of a three-year apprenticing program before you can earn your license as a commercial roofer. At this point, you could branch out into your own business if you so choose.
Being a commercial roofer can be hard work, but it can also be rewarding and launch you into a new career field as a roofing contractor. To learn more about becoming a commercial roofer or to inquire about our open positions, reach out to us at TQM Roofing Inc. today.